Pickled Ramp Martini

GLASSWARE: thrifted

When ramps were in season I knew I had to grab some and pickle them! If you aren’t familiar with ramps, they’re part of the allium fam, kind of a cross between a spring onion and a leak, with a very bright garlicky flavor. People go wild for ‘em because they’re only in season for a short amount of time. One more important thing to note, make sure you purchase them from a sustainably harvested source! Anyway, back to the recipe — we already know I’m a sucker for a good savory martini so lo and behold the pickled ramp martini.


  • ½ oz pickled ramp brine

  • ¾ oz dry vermouth

  • 2½ oz dry gin

  • garnish: pickled ramp + freshly cracked black pepper


Add all ingredients to a cocktail mixing glass and stir with a good amount of ice until chilled. Strain into a chilled martini glass and garnish with pickled ramp and freshly cracked pepper.


To make the pickled ramps, cut the ends off of the ramps and thoroughly clean them. Add them to a jar with 1 cup vinegar of choice, 1 cup water, 1 tsp sugar, 2 tsp salt, 1 tsp pink peppercorns. Seal them and let them pickle in the refrigerator for around 7-10 days — voila! Pickled ramps!